Sunday, June 29, 2008
Pre 4th of July Celebration
Mighty 8th Air Force Museum
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Frisco's vet visit
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Fun with Friends at Whispering Pine
Monday, June 23, 2008
Randy's Boo-Boo
God's protection is ever apparent! (Don't look at the pictures at the bottom if you are squeamish at all.) Randy was helping to take down a wall and it ended up getting him. Thus a trip to the emergency room and a call from his friend to start my day at 7:34 am. Since Josh & Randy are such pranksters Josh wasn't able to convince me that Randy really was hurt until I talked to him on the phone and heard the hospital noise in the background. Josh had already suspected this and had sent a picture to my phone to try and help validate. Needless to say, I got the boys settled and went to the ER.
When I got there they had put an IV in Randy's hand (after blowing his arm veins) and administered some pain meds that made him pretty loopy. He tried to tell me what had happened but he was having to fight the meds to focus which was making him very shaky so I told him just to tell me later. After that he woke up 2 or 3 times surprised to see me as he had forgotten that I was there ... he obviously wasn't feeling any pain!! I was there when the doctor came and cleaned it some more, prepped then closed the laceration. It was approximately 7 inches long and took 21 staples to close. Thanks to my medical experience he thought it would heal better if I would drain it instead of putting a drain in. So, I get the joy of inflicting pain on Randy in the name of healing while I do dressing changes!! (Just kidding on it bringing me joy!) Now just to keep him from overusing his arm, tearing out the staples and inflicting more damage to the muscle.
It could have been a LOT worse though. Am especially glad that I had prayed God's protection over him that morning. Here's a picture of the laceration once cleaned and one with the staples. Don't look if you are sight sensitive. If I knew how to get the pictures off of my phone I would load the first picture Josh sent but it's pretty messy so it's probably a good thing I don't know how to do it right now.
. Thanks for all your prayers that are helping to keep us safe. They are appreciated. . Here's the pictures!Saturday, June 21, 2008
Keller's Flea Market
University Of GA Aquarium
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Life has become a Beach
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Whispering Pines Campground
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Newest Addition to the Wendt Family
Navajo Family
What a blessing! During our time back in Kansas which we ended up spending the majority of working on cleaning out the horse barn in Derby but God blessed us with getting a chance to see some of our Navajo family who were coming through to a mission conference in Kansas City. Thanks to my brother we were given a heads up so we could make sure and have things ready and be home (as we had planned on taking mom & dad to our favorite Chinese place for supper) for Tim and Ruby James' surprise visit. And boy was it a surprise. I was afraid Randy & I's constant looking out the window every time someone drove by would give it away, especially after it had gotten late and they still weren't there. It was even a bigger treat when Ruby fixed Navajo Fry Bread for Navajo tacos ... which is my personal favorite when we are out there. Driving half way across the United States to come home was a good thing and Tim & Ruby's coming from AZ/NM making fry bread made it even better espeically since we didn't have drive the additional 12 hours to get it!
We also got to attend church at Vineyard thus getting to see friends there. Some of our friends were out of town so we missed spending time with them but were thankful for those we got to see. Josiah's friend Stephen got to spend the afternoon/evening playing with the boys.
And yes, my wonderful husband chose to wait and leave Thursday after I was able to take my parents and go eat at the Golden Garden in Andover. No one makes Kung Pao Chicken like Vanna's husband does ... now just to get the recipe!! Unfortunately Randy ended up missing eating lunch with us as Randy had to meet up with Tim & Ruby to give them something they had left behind. Fortunately his favorites are not as hard to find as mine.
We finally had everything packed and ready to go but not until ... our amazing Randy was getting a bit antsy .... late Thursday evening. Saying bye to Gma & Gpa was really hard to do and as we were loading up driving out of their driveway Josiah's dog, Molly, threw up (which suspiciously looked like Aunt Ruby's Navajo taco but definitely did not smell like it!) all over the backseat and floor. Needless to say with the obnoxious odor that came with it all four of us came flying out of the truck! Grandma & Grandpa weren't sure what was going on but it didn't take long for the aroma to reach them ... instant understanding then. Thanks to Watkins Organic Cleaner ( and Watkins Pet Odor Eliminator we were able to get it cleaned up and on the road again. That was until we got to Tulsa, OK where we ended up getting a room as Malachi wasn't feeling well and started spewing through the night. After a sleepless night for mom (Dad's army training sure did help him in the sleep department!) we got a late mid-morning start off toward Perry GA. Needless to say with the late start, Malachi going from vomit to diarrhea and the 1000+ miles we had to go we ended up having to drive the rest of the day and through the night to finally arrive in Perry, GA Saturday morning at about 8 AM. What a relief to get everything situated and in for a nap ... and just in time for the bug that Malachi had to hit Randy on Sunday. Life is so full of humor if we just choose to look at it that way. Which at this point, was all we could do!! Good thing God is directing our lives!!