… and the tooth is in the lead!
First off, to all my family and friends that have had tooth aches …
I am soooooo sorry I wasn’t more sympathetic.
I’ve had my first infected tooth and boy is it life altering! I know the Bible talks about the parts of the body being one … but I hadn’t really imagined that one little tooth could bring the rest of the body down so quickly and effectively. Oh what an intricate system He has created in us.
Tuesday afternoon found me joking with one of our friends that I might need a good dentist. Tuesday night found me in horrendous pain. Wednesday the “tooth” resolved me to tears and desperately looking for some long pliers to pull the beast myself. When our friend got home from work he didn’t even bother to say hi he just flipped open his phone and called the dentist to see if and when I could get in. Never before have I waited with baited breath to see when I could go to the dentist … and been so bummed when I had to wait until the next day to get in. (See, there’s always first’s in life no matter how old you get … you just have to look for them!) Wednesday night was even worse and I was absolutely miserable after 2 days of no sleep and over the top pain. Thursday found me at the dentist, $145 dollars later they confirmed I had an infected tooth (no duh!) and needed a root canal. They promptly, but nicely, sent me on my way with a script for amoxicillin (which “should” help me feel better in a day) and Motrin and told me to come back when I had $1000 and they would refer me to a local specialist that could get it done in one day. (They were going to do the root canal but couldn’t fit their 2-3 wk process into our forced time frame with us in town for only … one more day.)
Needless to say, I was in massive PPT (prayer, pain and tears) as soon as I walked out the door. This faith walk business is definitely not a walk in the park. God has opened my eyes to perils and emotions that missionaries experience in their lives of serving Him to help give me more knowledge on how to serve Him and them better through the vision He has given Randy & I of what He wants us to ultimately do/provide.
After a brief, sobbing call to Randy I made it safely back to our campground and friend’s home to see my boys. Unfortunately Malachi’s hug and sincere desire to make me feel better brought the tears back on once again. If I hadn’t been in so much pain it might have been comical as it was obvious Rob (our friend) didn’t know how to handle this tearful female. He felt even worse when he found out I needed $1000 for my tooth as he had just called Randy and told him I had to have a $375 fan replaced on our van and probably the radiator too. He was relieved that he could help us by not charging for his service but he himself needs the finances to provide for his family. So after some prayer and hugs I headed home to lay down ... and writher in pain praying for the antibiotics to kick in and thanking God for the apparent blessing to come in our lives! I mean why else would be getting hit with all the things breaking on Randy’s pickup, my van, our 5th wheel (which was at Camping World for 4 days) and now my tooth. It’s always a good sign that something God filled is ahead for us!
Believe it or not, Thursday night was even worse than the previous nights and the swelling more intense. My mouth, tongue and throat swelled so bad I thought Randy was going to have to take me in to the hospital as it was getting hard to breath. Oh to know what to do and all the while praying for God’s healing. We were suppose to move to Columbus GA on Friday but there was no way I was going to be able to drive the distance. So, we ended up having to stay one more night in Perry but Saturday we had to move no matter what. I stayed in bed unless I was throwing up from the pain and Randy & the boys worked on the van and got things ready to pack up and move.
After doing two Aqua Chi detox sessions in one day and almost 2 days of antibiotics I thought I could make it to Columbus … not like I had any options! Once we arrived in Columbus Randy took the boys and headed to the Refuge Skate Park where we made friends when we were here before and I went back to bed. Connie, the owner of the campground, asked if I needed a Dr or dentist as soon as she saw me … guess I must have looked somewhat like I felt.
The pain is still there. The swelling goes down when I do the Aqua Chi detox and the natural remedies are helping make it more tolerable. Still trusting and waiting for God’s healing or finances for my tooth. I’m definitely ready to be back up to 100% health again. (I think Randy & the boys are too!) I hope I have learned all that God desires for me to learn from all this to be better able to serve Him and others as I really don’t want to be hard headed and have to go through this again.