We have been called to International House of Prayer to get equipped for the next part of our journey in His purpose for us on this Earth. The boys know how things have been very financially tight as we seek Him and wait. My heart just swells when I see and hear them profess the faith that they too are building during this time. Hearing them share how God just blesses our food supply for us to keep feeding physically and spiritually those that He brings in to our lives. How God provides a car from someone that doesn’t even know us so that when Randy’s truck breaks down and we are on foot … we are not, thanks to God’s provision through someone else in advance. How God directs our steps so that we are in a place at a specific time to see or meet someone that could not have happened unless it was preplanned. These are just a minute few examples that we are seeing and recognizing of God’s doing in our daily lives.
The boys know we are seeking God provision to finish fixing our truck, school curriculum for them, clothes (it gets cold here in MO – definitely not in Texas short weather anymore!) and bills. In spite of these needs, this past week we took the boys over to the prayer room, gave them some of God’s money and had them get quiet in the Lord and ask God who He would like His money to go too. I had told them once they had the person God laid upon their heart –whether they knew the person or not - they were to go, give them the money and tell them that “God wanted them to give this to them.” then walk off. The boys being very sensitive, discerning and loving were a bit quiet in having the responsibility of giving God’s money away especially when they knew we could use it for our bills. We spent almost an hour in prayer in the prayer room while they were seeking God’s direction. During my quiet time with the Lord my mind took off: Should I have given them more direction of who/how to give it away? What if they just give it to one of their friends to try and win favor in the friendship arena? PTL! My God is faithful and I was able to stop these ungodly self-doubts as soon as the thought about them giving it to someone their age. Who am I to put guidelines on who they can give it to? As long as it is given freely then God will bless it no matter whom or what age the person. I then settled into a glorious time of prayer.
Once I got quieted in the Spirit and entered into the Throne Room I had this intense desire for at least one of the boys to give their money to a specific person but I was not about to tell them who. As our time to leave was drawing near I kept asking the boys if they were ready and they didn’t think they were. We finally agreed to go walk through the Higher Grounds and Bookstore to see if it was anyone there – no results. We finally were out of time and had to get home to get Randy’s supper so he could go back to his work so we decided to we would just go back over after supper, that maybe the person(s) were not there yet. On our way home the boys were sharing their thoughts and experiences during this time of seeking and shared that they had someone on their heart but one couldn’t figure out how to get it to him and the other didn’t see the person there. I asked if they knew where to find these people and they both said, “Yes.” I told them we would then go find them after supper and give it to them. When I asked them who/where we needed to be, my heart and total being was so totally blessed as the Lord showed me yet again how totally in control He is. The person God had laid on my heart in the prayer room was the person that Josiah had felt lead to give but couldn’t figure out how to get to him. The person Malachi was looking for … are you ready for this? … was the wife to the man Josiah had chosen. Talk about affirmation to all three of us that it was totally the leading of the Holy Spirit and we were walking in His guidance. None of us had shared with the other who He had laid on our hearts until that moment. That was affirmation that ministered deeply to this mom, her two awesome sons and their dad after he heard the events.
Now we are anxiously and excitedly awaiting more of God’s money so we can go out and seek whom God wants to have it. This time with even more confidence that He is always directing our steps and leading us. Our God is always so faithful and true.
Isaiah 30:21 (New Living Translation) 21 Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.