We are all called/commanded to PRAY. Each of us has an important place in the battle where we are standing in the gap. If we don't stand in our place with prayer then we are allowing the enemy to come in like a flood.
I repent and ask His forgiveness for when I am a weak link in this battle. I seek Him daily to take me deeper. The enemy tries to deceive us by getting us to look at our lone little prayer and question what effect little me can have. When we stop and look at the whole picture, we are a prayer link in a chain of prayers. Our prayer "link" is strong and when joined with others makes an unbreakable chain that binds the enemy. We are never alone.
There is a war going on. There are NO bystanders, ONLY soldiers or casualties. The outcome of the war is assured. God is sovereign. His victory is assured. It was purchased by Jesus blood at Calvary. This is not a nip and tuck, edge of your seat battle as the enemy tries to get us to see it. No. God has already surpassingly won. (Eph 1:21)
So which are you choosing to be? A Soldier .... or a Casualty?