John 1:6-8 HNV "There came a man, sent from God, whose name was Yochanan [John}. The same came as a witness, that he might testify about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but was sent that he might testify about the light."
We are sent from God as a witness that we might testify about the light, that all might believe through us. Wow! What an impact that scripture has made on me. I, like Yochanan [John] am a lamp that shines the Light [Christ]. So … I have to stop and ask, how am I doing? How well is my lamp reflecting the light of Christ? Are others believing because of how I am living my life? my choices? my actions? my love for self? my love for others? my ability to forgive myself? to forgive others?
What type of lamp light was I created to be? What type of lamp light am I actually being?
Here are just a few that have come to mind:
A light controlled by a switch - either fully on or fully off.
A dimmer light - Either fully off or when on, on at varying degrees of brightness from barely there to full on bright or somewhere in between.
A hazard flashing light - Only used when there is a problem.
A blinker - on one moment and off the next. Only used when making a deviation from the path and even then not always being turned on when deviating and making a direction change.
A headlight - If old style - only on when turned on at night (in today's times that's if one remembers to turn it on or someone warns and flashes that we are proceeding without light). If modern style then we are on all of the time but still primary use is during the night or stormy times to light the way immediately in front of us on our journey. We can be low density (which many drive using all the time instead of using the high density bright lights and having to remember to "dim" our headlights when others are approaching.) or high density bright beam lights.
Christmas lights - All pretty and colorful, either solid or twinkling with part of us on at all times for the season; however once the season is over we are packed away for all the other seasons until our one season comes around again.
A lighthouse - Shining 24/7 for others to help navigate, giving direction and keeping their paths focused on God, aware of and avoiding snares/traps/dangers. There for all to use and giving 100% even though you may never know those that were directed by the light that shined through you.
A search light - Radiant light that pierces the sky to be seen for miles and miles to draw others to come and find out what is the big deal. We aren't the big deal but our lives reflecting His goodness and greatness through us draw others near so that they can come and meet Him for themselves receiving His salvation, focusing on Him, believing Him, knowing Him, loving Him, walking with Him, partaking in His fullness. He is the BIG DEAL.
I also must ask myself, am I tending my lamp properly and to my best ability? Am I keeping it in good operational shape - trimming the wick, keeping the oil full, prepared to be lit as He beacons? Or am I busy running after other things or world busyness that I am too tired or distracted to make sure I am fulfilling the reason I was sent. Am I living such that anyone would see Christ in and through me and choose to believe in Him? Am I drawing others to Christ or am I part of the attack of the busyness to distract and keep them away from Him? No matter what, when you stop and look at it, you are either living so others can believe because of you OR you are living so that others are in unbelief and lost. You're either for or against, there's no fence riding. What an amazing love and confidence Christ has in us to give us such an impact on all His precious children young and old.
Honestly, my life in and love for Christ has grown so much during my years; however I can see myself in each of the different types of lights. I have had to stop, repent and ask His forgiveness for not living up to my best at the different stages of my life. In this new awareness I strive to live more fully reflecting Him through me so others are not delayed in their belief because of me and my action or lack of action. I am exhilarated with the simple understanding that I am here to be a lamp testifying of His light so others may come to Him and know Him. As easy and simplistic as that is, I find myself knowing that every time i achieve my best He will then give me more wisdom and knowledge that will always keep me reaching and obtaining new levels of best in Him. He will always keep leading me on in great anticipation of new levels of awe all my days as His lamp on this Earth. I must keep Christ perspective that obtaining our best is a great thing and opens us up to continual new levels of best. And if I stumble, then I must get up, repent, learn and keep moving forward and upward. I must make a point to not adopt the world's perspective that we're never good enough no matter how hard we try, that our best just means failure as more is always expected. For me, it is an awesome promise that He always has more for me so that in my pursuit of knowing Him I will never tire nor reach an end. I am only limited by what I myself limit myself. Hmm, to totally understand that fully - that I am the only thing holding me back. With Him the possibilities and expansion is unlimited! Thank you God!!
6 years ago