Life Lesson / Ponder point:
So as many are aware, our water froze up Sunday while we were gone to church and other meetings. It has been a fun challenge of life without water but as always there is growth and victory.
Here's my insight challenge:
Our faucet was wrapped and insulated, electric water hose with heat strip, heater in the underneath storage compartment (we call basement) - everything set up for cold. However, life throws curve balls. Who knew that inside this faucet and piping were rusted, corroded areas that at the most inopportune time would release chunks of rust into the flowing stream of water. As a protective and health mechanism we have a screen to filter before it enters the hose as well as two different filters on our RV for it to go through before we consume. Sometimes protective measures that are not kept in check can collect the debris as intended but if not cleaned routinely the screen fills up with the junk which diminishes pressure and water flow. The restrictred flow builds up pressure at the filter screen which then applies excess back pressure bringing attention to the weakest part of the system which then does what any solid mass will do, explodes or splits or as some would say 'rips a new one'. At this point what was to keep fluid flowing through the hose is being released everywhere but where its suppose to be going, thus causing shut down and blockage or in this case ice in the hose supply and a beautiful (if you're observing from a heated area) ice sculpture. However this ice sculpture is not usable as a centerpiece (unless it's a plumbers convention at an ice rink). It becomes yet another hinderance in being able to make needed repairs bringing more work, delay and time spent in obviously freezing cold temperatures.
This so resembles our life. We have hurts and baggage from the past that has been buried and not dealt with. We have protective mechanisms that we put up to protect ourselves. However these protective mechanisms often times keeps God and the ability to heal out too. Then at the most inopportune time, something breaks loose and totally causes us to pressurize and explode or "rip a new one". This then brings even more damage requiring repair/healing. The apparent outside damage can often distort and put the focus of need in the wrong areas neglecting the original root cause. This in turn can bring delay that is misconstrued as inability to heal as you are going after the side effects and not the root. Often times people get discouraged chasing the outside damage and give up before getting to the root cause and healing needed and give up, quit. Falling into the lie that they are beyond help, they can't be healed, losing hope. This is a lie of the enemy and not truth.
God has blessed me with loving me through past abuse and healing which has the victory in using the knowledge and experience gained to be able to walk through the valleys with others. He has create me with a passion and love for others and has given me the desire to look beyond the outer appearance and go for the root cause to allow Him to work in and through me and our family to help others find their victory and freedom in Him. To be a life line of hope.
I am so thankful for the insight, downloads, visions, knowledge, experience, tools and training He has given me, my family. He never ceases to amaze me in what depths of darkness He can break through with using the Holy Spirit's guidance of His scripture promises, prayer and essential oils. When He brings someone into my life to love and minister to in scripture, prayer and oils ... I never know what it's going to look like but I do know that when I say "Yes" to Him and follow His leading, victory is always there. He is very creative. In ministering to leadership He takes and heals the wounded but He also takes the healthy and makes them even stronger. Not only does he bless and heal the hurting, I also receive His blessing in my obedience to His calling.
The end of 2015 and beginning of 2016 brought such a deep urgency and intensity to no longer be complacent and wait for others to come and ask. 2016 is a year to go forth boldly and help free others from past bondage so they can have more time of LIVING and more ability to GIVE to others.
What areas of your past is He asking you to lay down and break free from? Our family is here to help you or connect you with others who can help you. Stand on His promise to you that He has victory in every situation. 2016 is the time to stop being a VICTOM and start being the VICTOR.
Don't delay, plant your feet and go after your VICTORY. If God lays it on your heart for us to help, then make the effort and reach out to us. We are honored and blessed to help.
Here's to LIFE VICTORY in 2016!
Essential oil tool:
Young Living Envision
- to help support breaking off confinement and overwhelmed and releasing freedom and vision.
Highlighted scripture:
I Peter 3:1
Our actions are what influence and win even the hardest of those closest to us. How we walk challenges out speaks louder than our words. or to purchase Envision essential oil and help support our ministry.
6 years ago