Sunday, November 2, 2008

And we're heading to Texas!

Okay, nothing like up to the last minute. We thought we were going to be going back to Kansas however God has laid it on Randy's heart that we are heading to South Texas to help the Hurricane Ike victims. During our prayer time right before we left Kansas our dear friend Kim, called us and said she had a job for us. So Randy called and talked with Mike and has been praying for God's will. Thus, we are heading to Arlington TX so Randy can meet with Mike who owns Mike Huddleston Roofing, do some training then head down to South Texas to help people get quality roofs from a company built on integrity.

We both have quite a peace about this. We had been feeling that God wanted us down in the coastal area helping we just weren't sure of his precise plans yet. After meeting Mike, I have an even greater peace that this is a company we can work for and represent. Now just to get through the training curve as it is a continuation of our financial muscle building exercises ... it's a straight commission job. God is ever faithful though even in finding a campground in the middle of Arlington that had an opening for us!

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