Last night we had another storm come through which literally had such high winds it was blowing side ways. We got a lot of rain however since it was blowing sideways our rain gauge only showed a half inch. The wind was so strong that our bird feeders were literally suspended on their sides in the air (should have got a picture), the weighty metal deck chairs were all pushed over to the rail on the far side, the bird house didn't fly so well and was smashed to bits, the lattice roofing was drooping, and the heavy metal rain gauge was twisted sideways.
Makes me ponder the way our lives are impacted when the strong gails of life blow through in noted challenges. Where do we end up on the other side? Like the bird feeders - Hanging in place ready to feed the birds that come the morning after? Like the deck chairs - In a new position because we were not grounded firmly where we were? Like the bird house - smashed to pieces scattered across the ground (but still repairable!)? Like the lattice roofing broken and drooping? Like the rain gauge - still standing but slightly skewed with a different perspective?
Today I'm choosing Joy and to be like the bird feeders, standing the sideways hails of life and come morning, ready and in position to do my purpose. Some storm challenges are easier than others however I have the mindset that I AM an OVERcomer and a DOer.
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