Friday, September 12, 2008

Next Best Thing to Home!

What a day! We left Daytona FL today to head back to Augusta GA to work for a week. God is so good at providing us work as two of the guys were sent home and amazingly enough we got to stay. PTL! It meant having to haul one of the work trailers to Augusta but it wasn't too heavy for my van. However it was a very LONG trip as the weight was just enough to keep the engine warm enough that the air conditioner wouldn't work with heat outside and the added load. Thus ... mom was one very hot, sweaty person when we got to Augusta.

God is ever protective. Once again we had another blow out on our fifth wheel ... except this time it was a pit crew of only ONE (Randy) who changed it. Due to the excess heat in my van, the boys and I dutifully left Randy in the parking lot at Camping World in St. Augustine to change the tire and replace the battery while we headed to Burger King to get some air conditioning ... oh yeah, and food. This is our third tire we have had to replace since heading to Florida. Three more to go and we'll have a full new set!

Once we were back on the road I thoroughly (despite the heat) enjoyed my "mommy" time. I just love this time alone when I can truly focus and listen to God. I found myself praising Him for all the wonderful Christian music stations on the radio in Florida. As we journeyed I was able to listen and worship. I heard some messages or short quips that really ministered to me and got me thinking and looking at things we do. One of the talks was on what we watch, read and listen too and how it effects who and what we are on the inside. Talk about being put on the accountability block ... we're pretty strict with what we watch and listen to especially with the boys ... but there have been times when we couldn't find local Christian radio stations so we would listen to other music which wasn't wholesome nor uplifting. It also reflected in the attitudes of our wonderful sons ... and us. God definitely got my attention and opened my eyes. He even allowed me to recall times in my journey through life that certain songs helped have an effect on my life that made doing things more acceptable and easier that were outside of His will. It may all appear innocent ... but innocent can be deceptive especially if it is not honoring God. The really scary part is that all these years later that I'm just beginning to see the effect that the music, books, movies & TV had on my choices that I made way back when. (Thank you God for loving me in spite of ... me.) What a burden to bear not only in my own life but in the raising of in our personal mission field God gave us with Josiah & Malachi. Pray for us as we stand in awe and humbly accountable to God in the raising of His children.

It was a true blessing that God allowed us to meet up with our dear friends/neighbors/family, the Myers, in Augusta. They were to have been deployed to a new area ... but God knew my heart and family could sure use the time with our "new family" that He has provided to fill the voids when we are away from home. We were all so excited to finally make it in ... even if we were about 4 hours later than expected due to the challenges with our rig. When we finally made it to bed ... both Randy & I slept so peaceful and sound. A little dose of friendship/family can go a long way when God is in it.

Thank you God for helping us see your blessings despite the trials! May your eyes be open to the same.

Thanks for your prayers and e-mails. The blog tends to portray the upside but all is not what it always appears. However we are definitely showered with His blessings and living in God's will which helps make the rest doable.

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