Wednesday, December 31, 2008

League City Skatepark

We're back home in League City now. The boys decided one of the best ways to end this year was to spend some time at the skatepark before we head home to pack up our home and get it ready to head Conroe way. It's such a joy to watch the boys as they progress in their skating skills this year. We're really going to miss some of our neighbors down here, especially Sam and being so near Mike & Corynn and the kids.

Guess this is the time of year to reflect on what we have accomplished this past year and to seek God's will on what He desires to use us for in 2009.

Praying God's discernment and blessings on all of our family, friends and neighbors.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Woodlands Visit

The boys and I had the wonderful opportunity to go up to the office in The Woodlands to spend some time with Randy. The yard needed raked and driveway swept so we got busy on that while Randy was working some estimates near by. About 12 bags and a huge mound by the side fence later all our bodies were totally ready for a break. The boys thoroughly enjoyed riding the staircase. Obviously the ladder in our home doesn't compare with the fun to be had here.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Conroe Skatepark

It just makes my heart swell when our sons are pleased with the smallest things. Even though it was raining, we took the boys to check out one of the skateparks in Conroe not far from where we are looking at possibly moving our home to next. We had fun running and jumping on the different ramps. It even brought smiles and hugs to all. You can't beat that ... and it's all FREE!

An added bonus ... we found a church, The Ark, just around the corner that we decided we would check out on Sunday.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Open Hearts

Malachi proudly asked me to come take a picture of this "perfect picture moment". Which I agree, I think it is an adorable picture.

I remember as a child the love I had for my dog. Now as a mom, I ponder that I'm not as attached to our pets as I was when I was a child -- to be honest, there are a lot of times I wish we were two pets less in our home. I ponder why this is. Have I filled my heart and life with other things that there is not much love or energy left there for me to give or is it part of maturing and priority changes? I see other people who are my age or older who have pets that some times appear to rate higher than their own children. What other areas do I do this with in my life? Is it God's will for me? Obviously I have no enlightenment yet. Feel free to share any thoughts.

Here's to keeping our hearts seeking His will.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

And He is Born!

It’s hard to believe it’s Christmas and 73 degrees … we’re loving South Texas! Especially since it’s been 9 degree or less back in Kansas!

Last night after our Christmas Eve celebrations Randy had the pleasure of (1) going to get some water (PTL! God knew we would run out and put a dispenser outside of HEB … Faithful in ALL things He is!) and (2) getting to talk to one of Dickinson’s finest police officers. God once again blessed us with someone (Santa?) leaving a Guitar Hero World Tour Band set for us outside and an amazing husband who took it and wrapped it in the empty, well lit parking lot of HEB when he got water. Thus the meeting of the policeman who was patrolling the area. Said it was his first sighting of such an event but thought Randy was resourceful (and maybe God put him there to keep the Head of our Family safe). Thank you God and please bless whomever provided such a wonderful gift!

What a joy to have such a marvelous family present for our family to open CHRISTmas morning with their makeshift stockings. Since we thought we were going back to Kansas the last time we were home we didn’t grab any traditional Christmas decorations thus the boys decorated … what else but Watkins sacks … as their stockings. It brought such joy watching them decorate and talk about dreams and past CHRISTmases.

I’m human enough that I have to admit I’ve always appreciated the fact that my children are NOT early risers on Christmas morning. (I remember our soon to officially be “Aunt” Cheri spending her first Christmas morning with us and her amazement that they were still asleep at 9:00 am and her youthful desire to go wake them up.) Well imagine my surprise, when I’m thinking they’ll be sleeping as norm, when Malachi (my ultimate late sleeper) comes rushing in to our room at 7:30 am exclaiming that Santa had come and left a BIG package for us. Josiah was obviously close behind him. I for one (Randy included) was not ready to wake up and once again God’s faithfulness shown through … the boys climbed in to bed with us for some wonderful snuggle time before opening the present. I absolutely cherished the time and wondered what it would be like if God doesn’t return before then to have our sons and their families all climbing in to bed to greet Christ’s birthday some amazing year. It would have to be a really BIG bed and probably located somewhere else than in a 37’ 5th wheel! Guess we’ll have to stay tune to see what God has in store for us in that area.

Needless to say, we eventually got up and opened the package and stockings. We are spending an amazing day as a family with no work (other than mom cooking). Since we don’t have our big roasters with us the boys elected to have chicken instead of turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans and Jesus’ birthday cake. What an amazing meal and birthday party. We’re still not ready to go on the road with our “Band” but enjoying the practice between the running and chasing with our zingers and Nerf shooters. (Great exercise!)

Thanking God for all He has done for us and all that is to come in 2009. Praying blessings and abundance on all our family and friends.

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

Tonight we celebrated with getting to go to our first Christmas Eve Church Service as a family at Living Faith Outreach in Dickinson TX. What a wonderful and blessed time. This was our very first time for all four of us to take communion together as a family. What a special time. Pastor Jeana shared a story and related that God and others will find their way to God by the light reflected in us and through us. Pastor John challenged us to open ourselves up and to allow God to do things in us and through us as He takes us in to new territories and new capacities in our lives.

We then came home after church and the boys opened the gifts they had to help celebrate and gave their Dad his gifts. It was enjoyable but we missed being back in Kansas celebrating with Grandma and Grandpa Brown like we had planned. God’s plans are far better than ours and this was definitely much more relaxed and allowed us to focus on Christ more.

We are all excited as we focus on Jesus birthday this year and await to have His birthday cake tomorrow.

Praying blessings and Merry Christmas to all of you!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Some days ...

I feel like I'm wrestling trying to figure out God's plan like Malachi is wrestling Santa ... except mine's not feeling quite so fun at times. It's such an oddity to be struggling with why we are where we are and going through all that we are but be at TOTAL peace that we are where He wants us to be. Sunday Pastor John challenged us to live a "normal" Christian life. Normal is a life full of Jesus' miracles, answered prayers, constant contact with the Father, claiming the promises, accepting and using the Spiritual gift(s) that He has created in you. He even gave us permission and challenged us to open an early Christmas gift and open the Spiritual gift that God created in each one of us then use it. Have you opened, accepted and used the gift(s) God has created in you? Tis the Season! Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

We Believe

Our family still believes in Santa. We know that Santa is Jesus Christ in a form that most all can accept in to their lives in some way or another. It was with great joy that my sons told me that the League City Fire Department chose today to be the day they took Santa on the fire engine through the housing area that cousins Mike, Corynn, Reilly & Benny live in. The boys got to see Santa riding on the fire engine (He doesn't always have to use reindeer!). It was an even greater joy for me when I found out that they were having meet Santa at the fire station on Bay Area Boulevard and I was able to take my precious sons. (Got to have the photo opp ... but have you ever tried taking pictures with all the reflective stuff on the fire equipment!) With finances being as they are we haven't been out in the stores much (PTL!) or even out and about much except for church so we haven't been exposed to all the Christmas festivities. Amazingly enough both of my sons asked for dirt bikes (Thanks to the Myers family influence!) but Santa told him he wasn't sure he could get them in his sleigh. We enjoyed hot cocoa and cookies and got to climb on one of the big engines. The boys enjoyed talking to the fire fighters and petting the firehouse dog. They were excited when one of the firemen told the boys to stop in any time as long as they were there, they'd love to have the company. Guess we'll have to take them up on that occasionally, you never know who needs God's influence & prayers in their lives.

Friday, December 19, 2008


The boys’ friend, Dakota, got to spend the night last night and cousin Reilly had early out at her school to get ready for the celebration of Christ’s birthday. So we headed to the League City skate park then over to a creek area over by Corynn & Mike’s home. What fun to hear the laughter as the kids played. Fellowship with friends and family is such a blessing!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Skate/BMX Dudes

It is always a pleasure and blessing to get together with our friends, the Myers. The boys enjoyed exchanging gifts, playing and having a blast at the League City Skatepark ... as the pictures tell. I enjoyed the laughs with my wonderful friend, Kim. God has truly blessed our lives with these friends. Amazing what can happen when you pull in and park next to someone at a campground in Georgia! Thank you God!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Delight

After being on the road it's so much fun to have family near by, especially family with little ones. We were given the honor of watching Owen, Tyrel's son, open a couple small gifts. What joy and wonder.

Brodie's 3rd Grade Christmas Program

What a blessing to be able to be near enough to get to go to one of our Great Neice's Christmas program. We had lots of fun playing at their home before and after the program. Such a joy to be able to be near enough to get to be involved in their lives!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Living Faith Outreach

God just keeps picking little ways to show us how much He loves us! With starting a commission only job it has made for a forced "Christ Focused Christmas". Amazingly enough I started this Christmas season out by telling the kids that this was the year we are focusing on Jesus Birthday instead of getting lost in the greed of presents. I did this to help prepare them for little or no presents. God has once again showed his humor by having our sons be totally excited about NOT doing presents and baking a cake on Christmas for Jesus with us getting them a Christmas gift in January or February after Randy gets some sales made. I'm totally relaxed about the whole thing and able to be nice to the overextended. What a joy.

It is an even bigger blessing when the church we are attending, Living Faith Outreach, had a Children's Christmas Party today during Sunday School and God choose these remote control cars to be their presents. The boys were absolutely delighted and have been driving them as much as allowed. Goes to show yet again, God knows the desires of our hearts ... and gives them.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Maintenance 101

It makes my heart puff up like a marshmallow in a microwave when I see the wonderful dad that God gave our boys teaching them things. It's fun to watch the interaction - the sometimes frustration on Randy's part in forgetting to explain what he means and the joy in the boys faces that they are getting to "do" something with their dad while learning skills for the purpose God has created them for.

I ponder, if it brings me such joy what feelings God must have when we eagerly allow Him to teach us new things in our lives and how He feels when we just don't get what He's trying to show or teach us. The great thing is ... I know He loves us no matter how hard or easy we make it! And He's proud of us no matter what. Wow!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's Snowing!

Can you believe it! SNOW in SOUTH TEXAS! What a marvel and yet another of God’s many things that He does for us to bring us joy. Josiah & Malachi have been praying for snow … and me being the mom, have kept reminding them that we are in SOUTH Texas and they don’t normally get snow. I’m so THANKFUL He has once again proven me wrong and answered my sons prayers in a way that only He can. Especially since they have been bummed since it looks like we are not going to make it back to Kansas for Christmas since God has allowed us to be stretched with Randy’s job being commission only and people wanting to wait until after the new year to replace their roofs. We know He is taking care of us and will provide … we’re just so good at the worrying that it’s taking a lot more to help us get over that bad habit. His plans will be much better than ours although sometimes hard for us to be open too when we think our ideas are so great. (I wonder if that’s why God put Randy and I together … to remind me that God’s ideas are far greater than any I have and help me to understand the disappointment and frustration He experiences when I try to do it my way instead of His way … which is always SO much better! Once again proof of God’s amazing sense of humor!)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Extended Family Weekend

This weekend our family got to stay over at Corynn & Mike's home so we could watch Reilly & Benny while they went to Mike's Christmas work party. It was a great time of playing. With the wonderful Texas weather we got to go to the park and even played in the creek a little. Thanks Randy for taking pictures ... you even got the heads in!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa Brown Visit

Grandma & Grandpa Brown got to come down to South Texas to see and have an early Christmas with their grandchildren (Corynn, Tyrel & Chelsey and spouses) and great grandchildren (Reilly, Benny, Owen, Brodie, & Kyler) that live down here. They were blessed with getting to spend a couple nights each at Corynn & Mike's, Tyrel & Amber's and Chelsey & Stephen's. It was an added pleasure for us to get to see them too since God brought us to the area. After being with them almost on a daily basis when living in Kansas the past 12 years, this year of being on the road and only getting to see them twice for a very short time was a big change for us. Check out the sleeping Gpa at the mall. What a sight. Should have seen the expressions on the people that saw us put things in his pocket that didn’t know we were related. It was great!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hanging the Lights

We may live in a 5th wheel but we can still celebrate. The boys hung the lights on our home and helped Randy hang a few lights over at Corynn & Mike's. We just love the "Happy Birthday Jesus Lights"! Can you tell which is our home and which is Corynn & Mike's? Ha!

Remember ... Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wrapping it up

And the fun must come to an end. The boys are learning how to change the oil on the dirt bike. A must if you are going to have toys! Kim and I are remembering why we enjoy living in our 5th wheels so much as we were getting everything washed, cleaned and stowed away at the house so we can all head back to our "real" home. We definitely are going to need a nap after this! Good thing Randy & Joe are driving home!