Saturday, November 29, 2008

And more riding

Another day of amazing riding. However today Kim started the day off with nothing less than ... throwing fire crackers in the fire pit! Can you say corruption?!?! But they all sure had a blast. Joe got to get his "toy" out to clean up the fire cracker mess. Boston was so much fun watching as he spent time exploring only the wonders children can see. Randy even gave Slinger (the dog) a ride on the 4-wheeler when he wasn't working with the bigger guys on jumping and how to properly ride the pond area. Joe (Papa) gave Kallen his first Gator driving lesson and Kallen was amazingly good at listening and following directions. He was so serious and picked up well. It was such a wonderful day though a bit chilly. Mimi and Grandpa Larry spent the evening with the boys while Joe, Kim, Randy & I went and spent an evening with Monty, Tammy, Zachary and Whitney. Amazingly enough that was Randy & I's first time to go out with just adults. It was a lot of fun but Randy needs a lot of practice on the pool table ... unless he was just trying to be a good guest and allow Joe to sweep the table to build him up ... NOT!

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