Friday, February 6, 2009

Snuggle Day

I have so many points that I ponder that I'm pondering a ponder day on the blog.

Today finds Malachi, my youngest blessing from God, running a high fever and absolutely miserable. He's fine as long as he has some part of him touching me ... even if it's just my hand or leg resting on his foot. Good thing is, I have set my goal and plans today on snuggling with him today and anything else I get done is an added blessing. That way I don't get frustrated with what "I" thought was suppose to happen or needed to be done. God ultimately knows.

I find myself in amazement and awe when I put this situation in God's perspective. I.E., me as the needy child and He as the loving parent who sets aside all just to be there touching me as I go through my day. What a relief to know that He does this for me every day of my life and I don't have to be ill!

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