Monday, July 20, 2009

Heart fuzzies!

I was just able to get a text from Malachi that said, "We're at HEB. I miss you already soooo much!" My heart is sad for him as I don't want him to be sad but yet at the same time I'm feeling like I'm not such a bad mom after all. Whoopee!! I mean HEB is only about 9 miles from here and he's only been gone 45 minutes. ADDENDUM: I later learned from Randy that when he got back out to the truck Malachi looked upset but wouldn't say anything. He finally got him to slide over by him and snuggle in. Malachi then told him he was missing me so much. Randy said he had such a long face and was doing all he could not to cry. He offered to bring him back home as it wasn't too late. He said it was hard for Malachi to chose but getting to see Grandma & Grandpa & Uncle Tony & Aunt Cheri finally won out. I'm proud of Randy for being so sensitive. PONDER POINT: There are points in our Christian Walk that we have to leave our current situation to be blessed in another area. It doesn't mean that God won't return us (a better person obviously) to our present situation but we have to be willing to make the choice to accept the journey to what is ahead and the blessings that are waiting and leave the comfort zone behind. What choices has God offered you that you had to decide, Do I stay where I am OR Go where He is leading/calling?

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